
We are a team of evangelicals committed to working with what Jesus said He is working with today – His church. Jesus said: “I will build My church!” His church is NOT some pretty building with a cross on top of it or even some para-church trying to do the work of the church. The church is not even solo Christians. Rather Jesus’ church (Gr: ecclesia), is a group, a group of Jesus’ followers when they gather together in His Name.  His church can be as small as  two or  three of His disciples. Jesus Himself defined His smallest church group when He said: “Tell it to the churchfor where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst” (Matt. 18:17-20).

However, did you know the largest and fastest growing Christian movement in the United States today is the house church movement. More than one U.S. survey revealed that in the United States approximately 20,000,000 people meet in some form of a house church.
And internationally it is even much greater, with literally 100’s of millions of believers that meet in house churches. It is also the fastest growing Christian movement in the world today.

In the New Testament they only had house churches. And for over 300 years  Christians only met in house churches. And they “turned the world upside  down”. Not until the 4th century, Roman Emperor Constantine, had Christians start meeting in large pagan temple buildings, necessitating the unbiblical church function traditions which most churches still follow today.

Church buildings were not the New Testament way or example. That was only the Old Testament model having a large temple building. After church buildings came into effect, the church function out of necessity became a spectator event instead of a participator event, as was the New Testament house church model, seen in many verses, such as – “When you assemble, each one has a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation…” (1Cor. 14:26). Participators grow strong. Spectators grow fat.

New Testament Christians were told “not to forsake our assembling together… to encourage one another” (Heb. 10:25) — “teaching and admonishing one another” (Col. 3:16) — “I myself am convinced, my brothers and sisters, that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with knowledge and competent to instruct one another” (Rom. 15:14). Rabbis had a saying, “He who teaches learns twice.”

With the New Testament house church model, spiritual leaders multiply and then house churches multiply. Small house churches are like small rabbits that multiply a 100 times faster than any big elephant church.

A church of a 1,000 or more seldom doubles in a year. But it is nothing for a church of two or three to double, triple, or more in a year. A small active house church of 10 can double in a year. Think for example, what if a 1000 spectator church were divided into a 100 house churches being in 100 different neighborhoods spread all across the city… instead of passively all huddled into one big bubble building, in only one neighborhood. How much greater impact having a 100 lights in a 100 different neighborhoods! How much more mature believers would all become. This is the New Testament multiplying house church model for reaching all of a city. This is happening with the Lord’s house churches in some cities today. You can read Church Revolution Today and Army of Preachers to understand how this all practically works, as well with the leadership and finances – www.JimsBookstore.com.

The first century Christians were literally fulfilling the Great Commission and “turning the world upside down.” And they did all that without having one big church building in the world… only house churches! That is how it can happen and is happening in many cities  around the world today.

There is a growing explosion of house churches around the world. And Christians who no longer want to just spectate but rather participate are joining house churches and becoming world changers in God’s mission – turning cities upside down for Christ!

Jesus said: “Follow Me!” The apostle Paul said: “Join together in following my example… just as you have us as a model” (Phil. 3:17). Jesus and Paul recruited men to join with them. Even so today we’re recruiting men to join with us in helping reach the world for Christ!

Write us. Let us know what you think.