

Our House Churches Network has established Christian International Lending (CIL). It is our private financial lending service to Believers in our international House Churches Network. Its mission is to help our international Believers in our house churches become successful entrepreneurs in helping meet their needs financially, the needs of their other fellow-believers, and greater helping advance the Kingdom of God in their city and nation.

Collage of Smiling People

CIL’s strategy can be understood in this simple way:

To just give money to the hungry so they can buy a fish, never eliminates the problem. Rather CIL’s vision is to finance the hungry to be able to purchase their own fishing pole where they can continually catch fish for themselves and others.

Early famous African-American, Bible believing founder of the all African-American Tuskegee University, Booker T. Washington, said – “Anyone can seek a job, but it requires a person of rare ability to create a job. What we should do in our schools is to turn out fewer job seekers and more job creators.” Harvard University President Charles W. Eliot spoke at Tuskegee’s 25th anniversary in 1906, who said: “By 1905, Tuskegee produced more self-made entrepreneurs than Harvard, Yale, and Princeton universities combined.” Our prayer is that many Believers in our house churches today will become entrepreneur job creators unlike any others in advancing the Kingdom of God.

Therefore, we have committed to making loans to qualified Believers in our house churches, with two of their Elders working with CIL in overseeing their borrower/entrepreneurs. Most loans that are needed are somewhere between $100 to $1000 USD, and usually needed no longer than 3 to 6 months. The borrower/entrepreneurs must be faithful to the Lord and in good standing in their house church, committed to tithing to the Lord with their profits, and be approved by their Elders. The borrower/entrepreneurs need to submit a simple business plan, whether it’s for starting their new business or increasing their existing business. Once approved by CIL, funds are immediately forwarded to their Elders to be passed on to their borrower/entrepreneurs.

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